Ed Smith, Paramedic, celebrates 40 Years at Hall Ambulance

Ed Smith joined Hall Ambulance on May 5, 1972. He started his career as an ambulance attendant with an advanced first aid certification. In 1973 Ed completed EMT training and in 1975 he enrolled in and completed the first Paramedic program in Kern County and became only the third Paramedic in Kern County. In 1987 Ed was promoted to Paramedic Field Supervisor. Today Ed is a communications technology specialist and is responsible for maintaining a diverse communications system.

Harvey L. Hall, founder and President of Hall Ambulance, acknowledged Ed during a brief ceremony this morning. Mr. Hall remarked that he has been blessed to have Ed’s service for so many years.

Smith will be honored by the Kern County EMS Division with a Lifetime Achievement Award at a meeting of the County of Kern Board of Supervisors on May 22nd at 0900.

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