Hall Ambulance Staff Visit Mexico On Training Mission

Hall Ambulance President and Founder Harvey L. Hall just returned from Queretaro Mexico where Hall Ambulance employees assisted with training the Paramedics from the Queretaro Fire Department on some of the latest life saving techniques.

Queretaro is a sister city to Bakersfield and this is the third training mission as part of that relationship.

Accompanying Hall on the Trip were Training Coordinator Brent Burton and Public Relations Representative Dave Taylor.

The condensed training included elements of Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and Prehospital Trauma Life Support.

During a ceremony on Friday December 14, Hall, who serving his third term as the Mayor of Bakersfield, dedicated two ambulances he donated to  the Queretaro Fire Department.

During the visit the Queretaro, Burton witnessed the firefighters put their new skills and equipment to good use, running a cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation and a major vehicle crash with multiple trauma victims.

The City of Bakersfield Fire Department was also part of the contingent that made the trip. Bakersfield firefighters made the trip to assist with training Queretaro firefighters on using more than 150 self contained breathing apparatus that were donated by the City of Bakersfield.


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