Mr. Hall Steps Down as President

Hall Ambulance Service, Inc., Kern County’s leading ambulance service, announced today that Harvey L. Hall has stepped down as president of the company due to illness.  His wife, Lavonne Hall has been named president and, supported by the company’s long-time executive staff and employees, will continue to operate the company.

Hall, who served four terms as Bakersfield’s 25th Mayor, became ill in April.  His physicians have recommended Hall step away from his day-to-day business responsibilities. Further medical treatment is currently being sought outside of Bakersfield at the recommendation of Hall’s local physicians.

Hall founded the company in 1971 and over the past  several years has implemented a succession plan to ensure that the company’s high standards are upheld. Hall Ambulance serves as the 9-1-1 paramedic provider for approximately 88% of Kern County’s population.

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