New Ambulance for Boron



A new advanced life support paramedic ambulance was placed into service in Boron on April 11, thanks to the continuance of a unique relationship between Hall Ambulance Service, Inc. and the Muroc Healthcare District that ensures emergency medical transportation is available for its residents.
Under the agreement, Muroc Healthcare District funds the cost for the ambulance and in return Hall Ambulance provides around the clock paramedic service to the area’s roughly 2,253 residents.
Muroc Healthcare District President Karen Caillier presented the keys to the new ambulance to Harvey L. Hall, founder and president of Hall Ambulance Service during a ceremony at Hall Ambulance’s Post 17, located at 12665 Boron Avenue, in Boron, California. “We are here once again to celebrate a model solution for rural EMS where the closest hospital emergency room is over 40 miles away,” said Hall. This marks the seventh ambulance to be placed into service under the relationship which dates back to 1994.
The new ambulance is a next-generation Hall Ambulance Paramedic Unit Type II – LE Ford Transit High Roof. Taking advantage of the Transit body shape, the ambulance is designed to allow for a more efficient and ergonomically designed work environment for the paramedic and EMT, including significantly increased headroom in the patient suite. The ambulance’s exterior features the Company’s signature branding in reflective graphics for higher visibility overlaid on an orange base coat. “Serving Muroc Healthcare District” is emblazoned on the side of the emergency vehicle as a show of community pride.
The new ambulance replaces Unit 412 which was placed into service in 2013 and served the community well, having logged over 295,000 miles of service on it.
Representatives from the Muroc Healthcare District, Boron Chamber of Commerce, and Boron Senior Center, as well as Honorary Mayor Dale Slavinski, Miss Boron, and Teen Miss Boron were on-hand to celebrate the new ambulance.

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