Terry Adams, Facilities Maintenance Manager

Hall Facilities Maint Manager Terry Adams_DSC_3738Terry Adams started his tenure at Hall Ambulance in November 2001. He oversees the Facilities Maintenance Division. His crew of eighteen employees is responsible for washing, waxing and detailing more than 100 vehicles. They complete janitorial duties at more than 23 buildings used to support ambulance response to more than 90% of Kern County.

His knowledge is equal to a general contractor with expertise in mechanical, electrical, air conditioning and plumbing allowing Hall Ambulance to complete most repairs without using outside contractors. Adams and his staff respond 24/7/365 to any building maintenance need. Whether a power outage from a storm or an air conditioner out during 110-degree days, Terry and his staff are there to mitigate the problem and keep EMTs, paramedics and support staff as comfortable as possible.

Terry Adams was the first to receive the newly created Founder’s Award for Excellence in Management, presented at the Company’s Employee Recognition Awards in February.

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