Paramedic Jason Achterberg

Hall Paramedic Jason Achterberg_DSC_3895On Saturday, January 16, San Juana Irma Boyar was at the Bakersfield Eagles Club celebrating her retirement from a large ag-company, with friends and family. She had complained of not feeling well earlier in the evening. Just before 8:00 p.m., she suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.

When Paramedic Jason Achterberg and his partners, EMT Adrianna Neal, and EMT trainee Enrique Puente arrived, they found Bakersfield firefighters on scene performing CPR. The AED had shocked twice with no change.

CPR continued while the crew deployed their equipment. Paramedic Achterberg defibrillated the patient, completed a successful intubation, started an IV, and administered medications.

During transport to the emergency department, an organized rhythm returned with pulses and the patient started to breathe on her own.

Paramedic Achterberg, EMT Neal, and EMT Puente were awarded the Hall Ambulance Star of Life and now a California Ambulance Association Star of Life for their efforts, which saved a life.

Paramedic Jason Achterberg started his career at Hall Ambulance in September 2010. He currently works night shifts in the Bakersfield 911 system. He also serves as a Field Training Officer.

EMT Adrianna Neal has worked for Hall Ambulance for just one year. She is currently assigned to the Bakersfield 911 system.

EMT Enrique Puente is new to EMS and Hall Ambulance. He was hired in December 2015 and currently staffs a basic life support ambulance in the Bakersfield 911 system.

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